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Featuring Indo-European cooperation opportunities

***FUNDING DECISION*** - NPP 4 call in Energy Research

Seven collaborative research projects in the area of Smart Grids and New Energy Materials have been selected for funding from a total of 53 project proposals under the framework of the 4th NPP call. The total budget is €3, 975, 896.00 and the projects are expected to run for a duration of 3 years. Find out more here.


The  ERA-NET InfectERA has launched a call for proposalsn in the thematic area of Human Infectious diseases. Find out more!

European Roadshow on Research, Innovation & Higher Education

A series of info events organised by the Delegation of the European Union to India and EU Member States
Traveling 16 towns in India, from 9th January to 31st March 2014




Look out for the4th New INDIGO call  for Indian-European research projects energy. Open now!

Like us on and get up-to-date information on funding opportunities in India and Europe! 

New INDIGO Partnership Programme - News: Developing advanced tools for Water Treatment - check out latest activities of the Indian-European project AtWat on

New INDIGO Partnership Programme - News: NPP call on Biotechnology applied to Human Health
6 multilateral research projects funded!

STI Cooperation Days in Hyderabad
Check out the project presentations of the NPP projects in the field of water related challenges that were held at the STI Cooperation Days in Hyderabad!

Flip through our Cooperation/Stories and discover multilateral cooperation possibilities in the field of water-related challenges

EU-India Bilateral Calls

Call under the Indo-Austrian programme on a variety of subjects. Apply by the 31st of March 2013. More Information...

Call under the Indo-Spanish programme in Biotechnology. Apply by the 15th of July 2013. More information...



NPP Visualisation

So far in the first 3 calls, the New INDIGO Partnership Programme has funded 28 Indo-European Projects with a funding volume of over 6.4 million Euros, a  participation of 15 countries and more than 120 research institutions.

Discover the networks that have been formed so far as a result of the New INDIGO Partnership Programme and learn more about the 28 projects from our interactive visualisation!

***The funding decision for the fourth call is expected in November 2013***