Project Structure
New INDIGO consists of the following 5 Work Packages:
WP1: Management
The tasks consist in establishing the structure of New INDIGO, planning the conferences and meetings, establishing the reporting and auditing procedures and identifying potential new partners. The WP will ensure that the objectives of the project are will be met within the agreed budget and timeframe.
WP2: Enhancing interactions of European and Indian research
It aims at providing the tools and actions to consolidate the presently rather informal or loose networks existing in EU-India S&T cooperation through
(i) The construction of a database, which will be accessible to a large public of deciders, administrative authorities and of course researchers. It will permit to retrieve critical information about strategies, programmes and existing collaborations, in the various fields of science across the ERA and in India.
(ii) The establishment of links between actors and the diffusion of relevant information about the ERA structure and activities, and similarly about the Indian Research Area.
WP3: Preparing the Networking Pilot Program (NPP)
This work package is designed to prepare and implement a Networking Pilot Program towards India on the consortium scale. The model will be the basis for a common understanding between the consortium’s partners. The call for project proposals will be prepared and issued in the end of 2009. In order to generate an efficient response, the call will be posted in suitable media and where possible connected to thematic conferences. To establish a high quality standard during this process, a management protocol will be obtained by best practice exercises with respect to other ERA-Nets and transnational European cooperation and coordination activities.
WP4: Evaluation, Monitoring and Foresight
The aim is to accompany critically the project by organizing the evaluation and monitoring processes within New INDIGO, on the level of the funded projects and on the programme level of the NPP
WP5: Communication
This WP aims at contributing actively to the awareness raising to boost the cooperation between EU and India. Another main objective will be the promotion of exchange of information and links with other relevant projects dealing with the coordination of national programmes.